Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 42--Holy Productivity, Batman!

Dear Deployment,

I am kicking being idle's butt.  I have gotten so much accomplished today and it's not even 1300!  That's one thing I've noticed since DH left--I'm much more productive! haha, I guess not having him around as a handsome distraction aids in that.

In my last post, I was trying to keep it serious, due to the nature of events, but I did promise to post some hilarious pictures from last weekend.  Prepare yourself.
Meet the game of Quelf:

It is probably the most pointless, most hilarious game ever invented.  Please try it.  You'll understand.  Here was one of the tamer challenges:

So anyway, there's been a lot of laughs lately.  For which I'm very thankful.

DH and I were finally able to Skype on Thursday night.  I thought he'd never get internet, so needless to say, I was very thankful to see him.  He's doing so well, and I know that his flight will benefit from his leadership.  I'm so proud to be his wife, I really am.

I am now off to a baby shower, so I will have to end this post, but keep in mind that I'm still kicking this deployment's butt--and I can't claim that in my own strength.  Go read the book "God Strong", you'll understand :)

The Faithful Wife

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